Hello and Welcome!

Hi friends,

I am a visual artist who believes in the transformative power of visual language.

“Studio Notes: Morgain Bailey” is my official newsletter. It is published whenever I feel like it - which means whenever I have interesting things to share, such as events, new work and stuff that inspires me.

This newsletter will always be free. I may add a supporter level in the future for people who would like a more personal look into my creative process.

Thank you for taking the time to be here with me. Comments are always encouraged.

With appreciation for you, - Morgain

Above image: House Abandoned After 9-11, Aroostook County, Maine. August, 2023

©Morgain Bailey, all rights reserved.

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Subscribe to Studio Notes: Morgain Bailey

Newsletter about creative process and event updates.


Morgain Bailey (she/they) is an lens-based artist who lives in northern Maine.